Multiple Blue Rings

10 Surprisingly Fishes That Have A Short Life Span

These small fish have a lifespan of around 3 years in captivity. Do think twice before buying one.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

Zebra Danios can live for up to 5 years in the right conditions, but their average lifespan is around 2-3 years.

Zebra Danios

Multiple Blue Rings


Depending on the species, mollies can live up to 3-5 years in captivity. Do take care of these little fish.

Multiple Blue Rings


Swordtails have an average lifespan of around 3 years in captivity. Their tails have sword like appearance.


These colorful fish have a lifespan of around 2-3 years in the right conditions.

Cherry Barbs

Glowlight Tetras have an average lifespan of around 2-3 years in captivity.

Glowlight Tetras

Multiple Blue Rings

Tiger Barbs

Tiger Barbs have an average lifespan of around 2-3 years in captivity. They look like tigers.

Multiple Blue Rings


Guppies have an average lifespan of around 1-2 years in captivity.They are extremely small fish that need constant attention.


Depending on the species, platies can live up to 2-3 years in captivity. Other species have an average life span.


Rosy Barbs have an average lifespan of around 2-3 years in captivity. This is a short life span for a fish.

Rosy Barbs

Taking Care Of You Skin Based On Your Zodiac