Multiple Blue Rings

10 Most Colorful Pet Fish To Surprise You

Also known as Siamese fighting fish, bettas are famous for their vibrant colors and flowing fins.

Betta Fish

Discus fish are known for their bright, vivid colors, which can range from shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Discus Fish

Multiple Blue Rings

Rainbow Fish

As the name suggests, these fish come in a range of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Multiple Blue Rings

Mandarin Fish

These fish have a striking pattern of bright blue, green, and orange stripes, making them one of the most colorful fish species.


These African cichlids are known for their stunning colors, including shades of blue, green, orange, and yellow.

Peacock Cichlids

Guppies are known for their bright and vibrant colors, including shades of red, orange, yellow, blue, and green.


Multiple Blue Rings

Neon Tetras

These tiny fish have a bright blue and red coloration, making them a popular choice for aquariums.

Multiple Blue Rings


These elegant fish come in a range of colors, including shades of gold, silver, black, and white.


Killifish are known for their bright and vivid colors, including shades of red, orange, yellow, blue, and green.


These fish have a stunning coloration that includes shades of blue, green, yellow, and orange, making them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts

Boeseman's Rainbowfish

Taking Care Of You Skin Based On Your Zodiac