Multiple Blue Rings

10 Best Pet Fish To Buy Now

Also known as Siamese fighting fish, these colorful and vibrant fish are easy to care for and make great pets.

Betta fish

Goldfish are a classic and popular choice for beginner fish owners, and come in a variety of colors and patterns.


Multiple Blue Rings

Neon tetras

These small, brightly colored fish are peaceful and easy to care for, and can be kept in groups in a community tank.

Multiple Blue Rings


Guppies are small, active fish with bright colors and flowing tails, and can thrive in both community tanks and individual setups.


These graceful and elegant fish can add a touch of sophistication to any aquarium, and come in a variety of colors and patterns.


Koi are large, colorful fish that are often kept in outdoor ponds, and can be trained to eat from your hand.

Koi fish

Multiple Blue Rings


Swordtails are peaceful and easy to care for, and are known for their long, sword-like tails. They are good to keep in your aquariums.

Multiple Blue Rings

Discus fish

Discus are stunningly beautiful and peaceful fish, but require more specialized care and a larger aquarium.


Mollies are hardy and easy to care for, and come in a variety of colors and patterns.


These small, bottom-dwelling fish are great for keeping the aquarium clean, and are known for their playful and social behavior.

Corydoras catfish

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